Czy „ nowe” jest nowe, czy też jest „poligonem orwellowskiej utopii”? Refleksje na temat ostatniej reformy edukacyjnej

Słowa kluczowe

nauczanie języka polskiego
reforma strukturalna
reforma programowa
historia literatury nauczanie języka polskiego
Polish language education, autonomy, structural and programmatic reform, history of literature

Jak cytować

Myrdzik, B. (2019). Czy „ nowe” jest nowe, czy też jest „poligonem orwellowskiej utopii”? Refleksje na temat ostatniej reformy edukacyjnej. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum Et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia, 10(285), 8–16.


In the text: Is „new” new or is it a „training ground for the Orwellian utopia”? Reflections on the most recent educational reform I address the issue of the reform of Polish language education understood in the structural and programmatic sense. The leading concept around which I focus my reflection is autonomy understood in the light of the concept of Aharam Aviram - Autonomy-Oriented Education. Aviram refers to the category of autonomy not only in the process of upbringing, but also in education. Autonomy is a task and an endless process, requiring everyone to work on themselves as well as the appropriate organization of social relations. The significance and sense of the proposal to rebuild the Aviram educational system becomes apparent in the context of restoring the lost bond with reflection on spirituality and as a protest against the centralization of the state in this area. And in the context of changes taking place in Polish education aiming at centralism, it has a bitter resonance. In the text I also take up polemics with some of the assumptions of the reform of Polish language education


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