Jak uczyć (się) języka ojczystego, czyli szkolne interakcje z językiem (czeskim)

Słowa kluczowe

komunikacyjny model nauczania/uczenia się języka
trójfazowy model uczenia się i nauczania communication
language teaching/learning communication model
three-phase model of learning and teaching

Jak cytować

Niesporek-Szamburska, B. (2020). Jak uczyć (się) języka ojczystego, czyli szkolne interakcje z językiem (czeskim). Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum Et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia, 11(315), 228–237. https://doi.org/10.24917/20820909.11


The author describes an innovative project of teaching/ learning the native language (Czech), emphasizing modern features of the concept, such as: the use of constructivist indications; text-centricity; student activation; respect for their communication needs; application of the criterion of usefulness of acquired skills in the extracurricular life of students; basing the educational process on students’ preconcepts, introducing language learning into a function- al and communicative framework. The author also points to the observance of the language teaching principles that determine the concept, such as: complexity; the relationship between the student’s cognitive and linguistic development, including basing of teaching on a three- -phase model of learning and teaching which uses a constructivist framework of learning (evocation - awareness of meaning - reflection (evokace - uvědomění si významu - reflexe: E-U-R). The further principles are: orientation on learner and the principle of topicality of linguistic knowledge. All of them condition the appropriate innovative concept of language acquisition as a fresh and effective proposal - ready for implementation.



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